Friday, April 1, 2011

Syphilis On Your Gums


How I long time since I visited this place ... I did not write a new post. Well, things went like a ball rolling, and I am sure that some people expect of me to explain.
Well, some time ago stardoll completely bored me. The fact that I had not much time goes into the background, because I always wanted to find a moment to jump in, but when I did not feel like it-I stopped doing it. Not too so I have been on the blog. I know that girl for some time occasionally something they added, tried not to kill the blog, is definitely and irrevocably This was his last hit heart.
I need you all to apologize for that, as a founder and MM card really did not write the official "The End" or something like that. She did it for me Claudia, certainly much better than I would do it for what it thank you very much.
epilogue will be blogging the story that started a new blog metamorfozowego. No, I do not expect, however, the second MM. It is based on different principles, which are quite accurately described in the post Prolog. His address is:

It probably would be enough. On the one hand I am sad to say goodbye to the MM, because it is a party, where I spent many, many a good time, on the other hand I am glad that this chapter in my life is now closed.


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